Adelaide UHF Radio Sound Wave
What We Do

At Comwide Radio Services we are always busy doing something, what do we do you might ask? Below is a sample of some of the jobs we have completed recently:

Case Study one – Adelaide Casino Expansion

SkyCity has recently completed a major project, the Eos 6 Star Hotel. The first 6 Star hotel in South Australia to complement the existing Adelaide Casino. Comwide Radio Services was contracted to expand the existing two-way radio system and extend its coverage into the new building by way of DAS (Distributed Antenna System) providing in-building coverage for all existing two way radio users as well as new users for the Eos Ops Teams. This project was completed in the 3rd Quarter of 2020 and the Hotel is now open to the Public.

Case Study two – City of Playford

The City of Playford is a vast Local Council Region to the north of Adelaide. Comwide Radio Services were recently awarded the contract to upgrade the councils analogue radio system to a Digital Trunked Solution with Multiple Talkgroups  utilising multi-site infrastructure for optimal coverage and reliability. The Contact included over 200 new Kenwood Digital UHF radios with in built GPS as well as 3 Dispatch Consoles and multiple Trunked Repeaters. We completed this project by the dead line of June 30 2020.

Case Study three – City of Charles Sturt

Recently the community safety team upgraded their tired fleet of 25 portable two way radios with Kenwoods NX-3000 Series radio and made the most of the in-built GPS function with Dispatch software at their operations centre. The change out was quick and seamless and the staff now enjoy in vehicle chargers, GPS positioning and Emergency Duress Features to keep the team safe and in contact 24/7.

Case Study four – Cleanaway

Cleanaway have recently won some significant waste contracts and have added to their fleet of Municipal Waste Trucks and as such Comwide Radio Services have installed 60 in-vehicle Digital UHF radios into this fleet to keep the waste team in contact with each other and Head Office at all times. Cleanaway leverage our ComNet Multisite Trunked Radio system to ensure the fleet remain connected right across Adelaide.

Some of our Major Clients

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Whether you’re a small business only requiring communications between two people, or a large corporation, we have cost-effective, feature-rich solutions available to suit your requirements.