Comwide own and operate South Australia’s Largest Private UHF Digital Two Way Radio Network.
We offer un-paralleled two way radio coverage across Adelaide and the greater metro area with sites reaching as far as the Barossa Valley in South Australia as well as linked coverage in the Melbourne Metro Area.
Our Digital Trunked 2-way radio network features:
- Group Voice and Data Communications.
- Individual Voice and Data Communications.
- Vehicle, Handheld and Office based Hardware.
- Automatic/Manual GPS Location including Geofencing.
- Text Messaging, Status Messaging, Printable/Exportable Reporting.
- Activity Reporting and Recording.
- Emergency Duress, Lone Worker and Man Down Features.
- Exceptional Voice Clarity.
- High Level Voice Encryption for secure communications.
- Easy Network Migration with no “off air” period for those upgrading from Analogue to Digital networks.
We also have various sites around Adelaide offering conventional Digital and Analogue Two Way Radio communications.
These systems are available for short- and long-term lease periods in sole user or shared channel arrangements.
A Sole User Channel
A licensed private repeater owned and maintained by Comwide. It offers area wide private communications and as a sole user there is no channel sharing. The channel is available for use by you 24/7. Sole User Channels are a cost-effective way to operate with no upfront costs for infrastructure or deployment and no ongoing maintenance costs.
A Share Channel
Licensed private repeater owned and maintained by Comwide. In principle it works in the same manner as a sole user channel, however you are sharing it with other users. If another client is using the channel you will not hear them, but if you try to transmit your Two Way Radio will not let you until they have finished. We carefully manage the type and size of clients we put together on our share channels, ensuring maximum performance and minimising wait times. Share channels are a very cost-effective long-term rental solution as the cost is divided between several users.
Get in touch
Whether you’re a small business only requiring communications between two people, or a large corporation, we have cost-effective, feature-rich solutions available to suit your requirements.